I Think I’ll Make This Putt
When we practice our game we grasp at every straw we can to improve: watch videos, beat balls for hours, putt balls arranged in a circle, go to the gym, listen to any tip from anyone, but the one thing that matters most we rarely try to improve; the brain. Our brain is the single most important player in any movement, and research shows the more balanced the brain the better. And we can give our brain a workout just like we workout our glutes in the gym; with Opti Brain and the Muse headband. Today I trained for Synergy, which measures the synchronicity in the whole brain. Studies show a balanced Synergy pattern is the best for performance. The more synergy just before an action like a putt helps increase the probability of hearing it drop into the cup. Just to make it more interesting I recorded this pattern while standing on one foot for thirty seconds. Look for some synergy during our next putting clinic at the Superstore.